Document Merge

Easily merge multiple documents into one document packet before or after signatures are procured.


Send old documents to your archive for later retrieval.

Integrations (Coming Soon)

Upload documents from google drive, dropbox and much more.


Assign Tags

Assigning tags to documents allows you an easy way to find your document if you happen to forget the name or other details of the document.

Email Documents

Easily email documents directly from your document dashboard. SignFast makes sending documents to other recipients fast and easy without the need to use your own email system.

Audit Trails

Audit Trails are required for legal compliance and SignFast gives you the option whether you want to download only the document file or the file along with the audit trail.

View Invite Lifecycle

From the time you create a document for signing to the moment that final signer signs, you can see every step the document has been through.

Status Updates

Stay in the know regarding the signing status of your documents. SignFast provides all the reporting you need right from your document dashboard to keep you up to date on the signing process.

Document History

Along with the audit trail, you can see the history of the document and make sure you are in compliance with Esign law.
