Electronic Signature

2-factor authentication with an access code allowing the system to prove that each signer (ex. Husband and wife) signed their own respective tags from one shared email.

Getting signatures from your clients has NEVER been easier.

Allow same email address for multiple recipients

Many electronic signature solutions don't allow the sender to use the same email address for multiple signers. For example, a husband and wife may share an email address, but both are required to sign a real estate purchase agreement. SignFast use 2-factor authentication providing an access code for an additional layer of security, allowing the system to prove that each signer signed their own respective tags.

CC capable 

Do you want to send a copy of the signed document to someone else? No problem. Rather than assign an email address to a signer, simply select CC. It's a piece of cake.


Signer Sequencing Options

Assigning sequencing to multiple signers is a breeze. In some cases, when you have multiple signers, you may require that one signer sign before the other, so that signer2 won't receive the invite until signer1 has signed. Perhaps signer1 needs to fill out some info that signer2 needs to see before signing. SignFast allows this option right from the add/edit signer screen.

Send Reminders and Set Expirations

Easily send reminders to specific signers, or even schedule automatic reminders. You can set individual expiration dates or provide global expiration dates per template.

Reorder and Rename Pages

Whether you are creating a template or sending a document for signature, the sender can easily reorder or rename pages. Renaming pages is mainly used in the template creation and editing experience, but can still be used in document mode as well.

Append Additional Documents

Need to send a packet of documents? Not a problem. You can easily append additional documents by uploading to existing templates or already uploaded documents. You can add unlimited documents.


StrikeThrough annotation

Many industries, such as the Real Estate industry send contracts back and forth multiple times before an agreement is in place. The strikethrough feature allows the sender to easiy make changes to a document, replace that old data with new data and resend instantly for new initials or signatures.

Complete Text Settings

SignFast allows you full text editing capabilities in text boxes, such as font size, font color, background color, highlighting, alignment and more.

Electronic and Manual "In-Person" Signing

SignFast allows senders to download the most up-to-date documents at each stage in the process, providing the ability to print and sign, if the signer requests as such. In-person electronic signing is also a breeze. Our goal is to allow the maximum amount of flexibility to allow signers to sign how they want to sign.

No-click & Single-click "Add Sender"

Adding yourself as a sender is a breeze. You can setup your account to "always" add you automatically as a sender during every invite, or you can add yourself as a sender individually with a single click.

Custom Email Settings

Custom email settings allows you the opportunity to customize the email subject and body. Here you can also set reminders, expirations, as well as add any authentication access codes on a per signer basis. You can also easily copy the same email settings to all signers with a single click.


Sender Edit/Annotate Document

Unlike many other providers, SignFast has an extensive set of editing and annotating tools, allowing the sender to edit a document without having to use a 3rd party software. Avoid cumbersome downloads and uploads, and edit your documents on the fly within the SignFast editor page. Our editing tools are feature rich.

Signer Edit/Annotate Document

Easily place editing tags for your signers to edit. For example, place text tags, radio tags, check marks, etc, and ask your signer to fill in those data fields. You can make those fields "required" if necessary, but being required is not mandatory.

Fewest Clicks Guarantee

One of SignFast's major goals was to maximize efficiency, not only for the signers, but also for the sender. We studied the competition and discovered so many areas for improvement. One of those areas was "click elimination". Nobody provides a more efficient workflow from start to finish than SignFast. By offering a single click dashboard to start your workflow, we reduced clicks and hence, the time it takes to enter signer info and send off a document for signing. Try it for yourself. If you find a more efficient solution, you will get 6 months of SignFast FREE.

EasyStamp Quick Sign Technology

Continuing upon the main objective of SignFast that Senders and Signers want fast, efficient, and secure signing, SignFast selects EasyStamp as the default signature. This means that signers don't have to go through the cumbersome step of selecting or drawing a signature. It's one click and DONE. However, for those signers or senders that prefer to draw, type, or upload their signature, SignFast allows senders to easily change this default option, and also provides this as an "on-the-fly" option for all signers at the time they accept the electronic signature acceptance disclosure.


Single Click Dashboard Workflow

The pillar of SignFast's Fewest Clicks Guarantee is the single click dashboard workflow. Upon login, you are directed to the dashboard giving you all navigation options, but most importantly, you are offered the 3 electronic signature workflow options. To begin your invite workflow, you can select an existing template, upload and add signers, or upload and apply overlay template. Those are the only 3 options you will ever need to use in the signing request workflow. By offering a single click dashboard to start your workflow, we reduced clicks and hence, the time it takes to enter signer info and send off a document for signing.

Multiple Signature Type Options

SignFast allows multiple signature types such as draw, type, upload, and EasyStamp. Senders and signers have full flexibility to choose, but EasyStamp is the default option for all accounts. This can easily be changed under Settings.


Configurable Settings

You can control many set-up options to customize your sender and signer experience.


General Options

User Can add role

Organizations can determine whether they want each user to be able to add roles to the organization. SignFast suggests keeping this option off for better management of roles and role groups.

Show Validation message when sending invite

If trying to reduce clicks, this option can be set to off so the sender doesn't need to click a box again asking "are you sure you want to send?".

All Signature and Initial Tags Required by Default

Some industries may not require that all signature and initial tags are "required" fields. However, in most cases, it's best to make sure SignFast knows they are "required".

Notify Sender on Document Completion

Most of the time, senders will want an email notification that their document invite has been signed.

Add Initials/Signatures for all signers of same role type

In a case with multiple signers, SignFast allows the option to drag all the tags with one drag and drop event. For example, Buyers John, Sue, and Amy all need to initial the first 5 pages and sign page 6. With this option checked, only one drag and drop event is required per page, rather than 3 separate drag and drop events.

TimeZone and Date/Time format options

Easily select your preferred Time/Date format along with your respective time zone.

Add users to Organizations

Organizations can easily add employees, agents, etc to their account. All that is required is a name and email address. Admin can easily login to each users account from the User control panel.

Easily transfer accounts

This option is available to those users that will be joining or leaving an organization. Certain rules exist in this situation, but SignFast has made it easy to transfer documents, templates, and billing.


Sender Settings

Add Sender by default as signer

Anytime a signing request is created, this setting allows for the sender to automatically be added to the list of signers without having to manually add them each and every time.

Force Sender to Sign Via Email Link

Sometimes the person creating the signing request may be an assistant, admin, etc. An email link will be sent to the "sender signer" vs signing during the invite session.

Disable ERSD disclosure for Sender

This allows senders to bypass the ERSD disclosure legal requirement. Users/organizations should consult their legal counsel if they wish to disable this process.

Sign all tags with single click

This option allows senders to click on a single signature tag or initial tag, and the remainder of the sender tags will be signed automatically. Users/organizations should consult their legal counsel if they wish to enable this process.

Auto Navigate Document

Auto-navigation of signature/initial tags simply scrolls the sender directly to the next signature/initial tag after the previous is signed. If you do not wish to allow auto-navigate, this can easily be turned off for manual scrolling of the document.

EasyStamp by Default

EasyStamp takes the time and effort out of signing documents. It's one click and DONE. This means that signers don't have to go through the cumbersome step of selecting or drawing a signature.

Show Date

This will show the signing date within the signature or initial upon completion of the signing.

Select new Signature/initials each time

Some industries may require senders to actually create their own signature and in addition may require them to select/draw one for each signature tag they sign. If this is not necessary in your industry, leave this option off.

Show document ID

This will show the document ID under the initial or signature. Because SignFast has a legally enforcable audit trail, SignFast recommends not turning this on, as it is lengthy and can be very difficult to read.


Signer Settings

Allow In Person Signing on Paper

SignFast allows the sender to make updates to the status of a document even if the document is printed and manually signed and then uploaded. In person electronic signing is available also.

Sign all tags with single click

This option allows signers to click on a single signature tag or initial tag, and the remainder of the sender tags will be signed automatically. SignFast does NOT recommend this for use at this time. Users/organizations should consult their legal counsel if they wish to enable this process.

Auto Navigate Document

Auto-navigation of signature/initial tags simply scrolls the signer directly to the next signature/initial tag after the previous is signed. If you do not wish to allow auto-navigate, this can easily be turned off for manual scrolling of the document.

EasyStamp by Default

EasyStamp takes the time and effort out of signing documents quickly. Most signers prefer fast and convenient signing vs being forced to select or draw a signature. EasyStamp solves this problem.

Show Brackets

If you wish for the "signature" to appear more official, select this option and brackets will appear around the signature and initial.

Show Date

This will show the signing date within the signature or initial upon completion of the signing.

Show document ID

This will show the document ID under the initial or signature. Because SignFast has a legally enforcable audit trail, SignFast recommends not turning this on, as it is lengthy and can be very difficult to read.

Select new Signature/initials each time

Some industries may require signers to actually create their own signature and in addition may require them to select/draw one for each signature tag they sign. If this is not necessary in your industry, leave this option off.